JARA 821

Wattii Health has provided years of support for those in need of prosthetics from accidents to natural health issues. In the development of assisted and replacement prosthetics, Wattii Health envisioned doing more. Leveraging the wealth of information from The Human Genome Project (HGP) and messenger RNAs, also known as mRNA, Wattii Health has perfected the regeneration of live tissue. Using sample tissue from the patient and the Jara® unit the new organ can be grown to replace the injured one.

Wattii Health built off of the research of Harvard surgeons Joseph and his brother Charles Vacanti, along with MIT engineer Bob Langer, that experimented with techniques to create human body parts in the lab. They experimented with growing tissue on other living organisms, The Vacanti Mouse is pictured. After they published their results in 1997 Wattii Health continued their research to help supply the world with much-needed organs and the Jara® unit was created. Combined with the HGP and the use of mRNA, the patient can have their organ grown in the stand-alone unit to integrate seamlessly with their body.